Sunday, April 25, 2010

School Dance

The other night, Maggie attended her first dance. I know, it may seem a little early for this, but St. Edwards school was having their annual family dance and since Jared is involved with the school, we all went as a family. As kids all ages raced around the dance floor, doing the limbo and jumping up and down to Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson's "Thriller," Maggie watched from the sidelines. Rarely have I ever seen her so transfixed. I'm not sure if it was the flashing lights, the loud beat of the music, or the kids laughing and dancing, but I am sure if Maggie was able to walk, she would have trotted herself over there and joined in the fun. I couldn't help but think that years down the road, we will be sending her off to her own school dances (yikes!) but for now, it was nice to just hold my baby as she watched from her spot on the sidelines.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Maggie recently wore her first pair of real pants! She has been wearing little knit and fleece pants all along, but this was her first pair of pants with an actual zipper and button. I don't know what it is about babies wearing little khakis and jeans, but for some reason it is incredibly cute. The pants were given to us by some good friends and if I not mistaken, the entire outfit was actually picked out by Elise, whom Maggie was named after. Well, Elise certainly has good taste. Maggie was totally rocking the pants!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mirror mirror on the wall...

I think this picture does the talking for itself.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Recently, Jared walked into the church office without Maggie.

"Where's your sidekick?", Barb, the secretary asked.

Ever since this incident, Jared has referred to Maggie as his sidekick. I think it fits. :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

First Thanksgiving

Maggie had her first Thanksgiving this past week. She got all dressed up, drove to Grandma and Grandpa Sears' house, and enjoyed a day being admired and adored. At the dinner table, when everyone went around the table to say what they were thankful for, Maggie's name was mentioned several times. She didn't cry or fuss much at all, and slept the whole way home. Overall, it was a fun day and we are very thankful for our little girl!

Now, a few days later, Maggie is sick with her first cold. The poor thing is sleeping most of the day and is thoroughly miserable whenever we try to suction out her nose. I guess it is a week of many firsts. Hopefully Maggie will feel better soon so she can enjoy all the festivities leading up to another first that is soon to come...Christmas!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"It's Complicated"

Maggie is currently experiencing her first love/hate relationship. With whom, you might ask? The bright green turtle featured on her new swing.

We purchased Maggie a swing last week, hoping it would help calm her down during her fussy period every evening. The swing is cute and brightly colored, with a turtle, a fish, and a whale hanging from the mobile. Maggie can enjoy peppy music at the push of a button, or, with the push of another button, she can listen to a relaxing tune. She can also opt for nature sounds. Maggie seems to enjoy all of this, but she is still not quite sure about that turtle.

Half the time, she stares at her turtle friend with a smile on her face, arms waving excitedly. The other half of the time, she screams bloody murder, her eyes locked on the turtle. The poor girl looks scared to death. I'm not sure why the turtle elicits such varied responses, but one thing is for sure: he is not going unnoticed.

Friday, October 23, 2009

First Trip to Buffalo

Maggie had her first trip to Buffalo this week. She had a good time meeting a lot of her extended family members on Jared's side, and even got to tour the campus of Roberts Wesleyan College. In addition to all of that, she had her first kiss! Ian, the 2-year-old son of Jared's best friend, showered her with many kisses, despite his mother's attempts to encourage him to "just kiss baby Maggie's toes." She also received many kisses from her cousins - see the photo above!

Grandparents, cousins, and kisses: it was a busy week for Miss Maggie! Now she is back home, sleeping off the excitement in her crib.